Water and Pads for School-Girls Empowerment for Life!
IAW - a gobal organization with a long history
The International Alliance of Women (IAW) is an international NGO comprising 50 member organizations involved in the promotion of women’s human rights, of equality and of the empowerment of women . The IAW has general consultative status at the UN Economic and Social Council and is accredited to many specialized UN agencies, has participatory status with the Council of Europe and is represented at other international organizations.
In 1946 the present name, International Alliance of Women, was adopted with the sub title Equal Rights – Equal Responsibilities. Since 1947, the IAW has had general consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, and was one of the first organizations to be granted this status.
Photo: IAW-Flag
IAW President:
Alison Brown USA
IAW Communication Unit: Lene Pind Denmark; Sanja Jeraj Germany
IAW Treasurer: Antonia Lavine USA
Team of the WP-Project:
Ursula Nakamura-Stoecklin Switzerland IAW Coordinator WP project
Heidi Bodmer
Switzerland IAW Coordinator WP project
Steering Group of the WP-Project:
Natalie Kostus USA
Anne Pelagie Yotchou Cameroon
Ruhi Sayid Pakistan
Anuarite Siirewabo Muyuwa DR Congo
Seema Uplekar India
Signe Vahlun Denmark
Lyda Versteegen Netherlands
Samia Zahid Aslam All Pakistan Women's Organization, Pakistan
Thérèse Akakpo Adjoa LA COLOMBE Togo
Goma Bastola RUWON Nepal
Edah Gondwe Zambia Alliance of Women Zambia
Rebecca Juga BAWUFAG Cameroon
Rita Marque Mbatha Women's Comfort Corner Zimbabwe
Agnes Etiennette Mendouga RENATA Cameroon
Anuarite Siirewabo Muyuwa SOFEDEC DR Congo
Dr. KG Vijayalekshmy, SANDEPANI SCHOOL, India
Anne Pelagie Yotchou CEFAP Ladies Circle, Cameroon
Water and Pads for School-Girls Empowerment for Life!